Laliv Cohen Mansour – Phoenix


Phoenix recruits through the HunterAI recruitment system!

Laliv Cohen Mansour, project and operations coordinator at ‘The Phoenix’ was interviewed to share why Phoenix’ chose the HunterAI recruitment system for large organizations and how the recruitments became an experience!

“I’m Laliv, I’ve been working at Phoenix for a year as a project and operations coordinator. I also have a total of 10 years of experience in the recruitment world (I previously worked at Yes).

Phoenix is the oldest and leading insurance company in Israel, home to about 4000 employees and recruits hundreds of employees a year. We at Phoenix believe that our people are the main engine for the company’s growth and thanks to them, Phoenix is breaking records in many fields – financial, technological, and professional.

Our recruitment challenges are complex and intense and as such, we require operational support at the highest level.

We believe in holistic processes that see the big and complete picture and give both the candidate and the recruiter a professional recruitment experience from end to end.”

  • What was the business situation before engaging with Niloosoft?

“Before working with Niloosoft’s recruiting system for recruiting large organizations (HunterAI Enterprise Version), we worked using another recruiting system that did not include integrative capabilities for analyzing and managing large databases.

Moreover, despite the use of the other system, part of the work was conducted on Excel. Needless to say, with large recruitment volumes like ours it was not easy at all!”

  • How did you come to the decision that a solution must be found that would improve the current situation?

“We decided to make the change and move to Niloosoft’s recruitment system because complex recruitment challenges were manifested. These included the amount of recruitments, internal mobility and other activities that the system, which is the basis on which these activities are carried out, could not accommodate.

We realized that the routine we had with the other recruitment system was not stable and good enough for our recruitment procedures. Meaning, we must have a high-quality and smart recruitment system that can manage all the processes the way we want and need and not otherwise.”

  • What solutions were tested? Why did you choose the HunterAI system?

“Efrat, the head of the department, and I, knew each other well from our previous workplace, the ‘YES’ company where we worked for about 6 years with Niloosoft’s mass recruitment system suitable for organizations that recruit in quantities. There, too, we performed complex integrations of Niloosoft with the SAP system. Meaning, we knew what we were getting into at Phoenix.”

  • How was the process of implementing the system in Phoenix? Have you acquired full control of the system?

“The project of introducing the new recruitment system was particularly challenging and started with an in-depth characterization of needs during actual work, testing, implementing and training. It is important to note that each stage of the project was full of complex tasks on which a large number of people from different departments in the organization worked at the same time.

The goal was to streamline and make it easier for the recruitment team, to provide answers and solutions for business processes that must exist in the recruitment process, and integration of Phoenix’s SAP system with a large and many-branched organizational structure, to Niloosoft.

The integration with the SAP system and our systems was done with maximum precision. I worked in partnership with Avichai and we took care of many fields and characteristics adapted to the ‘Phoenix’ which will appear and be automatically updated through the integration of the HunterAI recruitment system and SAP.”

  • What has changed and improved?

“Recruiters know that the field of recruitment is a field of numbers, qualities and quantities that are measured in our daily work routine. Therefore, the tools that Niloosoft’s recruitment system gives us to measure the recruitment data is the point of most significant improvement!

We can measure any data we want and produce reports that reflect the recruitment output from different points and especially from our recruitment sources.

Beyond that, all the day-to-day work of the recruiters, whether in managing databases or locating candidates and using advanced features, has completely changed!

The recruiters can be fully aware and in control of their recruitment procedures, both in tracking the candidates and after the recruitment stages, without missing anyone. In addition, locating the candidates is more accurate and faster with the help of a tool called ‘The Hunter’ which makes high-level cross-sections, searches with keywords in all CVs that have ever been sent and finds the most relevant candidates. It also knows how to perform a Boolean search on social networks.”

  • Which features do you use frequently or are you satisfied with using?

“We are satisfied with the direct interface with the names! The direct interface saves us valuable time in communication and working with the placement companies. The placement company always receives updates on what is happening with its candidates and there is also duplicate detection so that if we already have the same candidate, the system identifies who had the candidate first.

The ‘Minisite‘ is an excellent tool that we didn’t have before! The Minisite is basically a link that the system creates automatically for each job and when the candidate clicks on it, he is shown the job requirements and direct application submission.

The ‘Candidate Hunter’ is the most significant tool that actually gives us the ability to extract resumes, much better than before!

The ‘Friend-Brings-a-Friend Interface’ will be launched soon and we are very much looking forward to it.

We use the system and its products daily, it is only 4 months since we launched the system and the feedbacks from the recruitment department and the Phoenix team are excellent! The system is essential and very efficient for recruitment in a large and complex organization like ours.

And the system? It has absorbed the complexity of the large organization called Phoenix’ very well and turned a large part of it into simple automation. Niloosoft really optimize and turn the whole recruitment challenge into something more intuitive, efficient and successful.

  • Anything else you would like to recommend?

The recruitment and response experiences we have for the recruitments are greatly improved. Both the recruiters and the candidates benefit from fast, technological and human recruitment experiences at the same time.

It is worth noting the ongoing work experience with the project manager, Oz Oved, and the client manager, Avichai Ohana.

Avichai accompanied us with professionalism and high availability, always with a smile and a desire to help and improve. From the first stage we saw that Oz is actually a recruitment man, knows the world, the terminology and the needs from the basic to the complex. He gave creative and effective solutions that saved us many resources along the way and he accompanied us in the most critical and challenging stages of the project.”



Laliv Cohen Mansour
Projects and operations coordinator

Click here for the website of the ‘Phoenix’ company