Updates and upgrades of the Hunter EDGE recruitment system

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Niloosoft’s personnel recruitment system Upgrade – February 2024

We continue to release new version updates every month, utilizing the latest and most advanced technologies! This month, we've introduced new features designed to streamline the recruitment processes for our clients and reduce work times within the leading Hunter EDGE recruitment system. These enhancements include the upgrade of WhatsApp template usage, the addition of tooltips in the system for an ease use, and more! In this article, we will reveal the latest innovations added to the Hunter EDGE recruitment system as part of the February 2024 version update
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Hiring system version upgrades and updates – January 2024

The new year of 2024 kicks off with a new and advanced technologies in the recruitment world at Niloosoft! This month, we’ve developed and released innovative features and recruitment tools that will provide our client with the best tools for efficient and advanced work within the Hunter EDGE recruitment system. Among them are advanced visual […]
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