Hunter BOT- WhatsApp Recruitment AutoBot

Hunter Edge WhasApp BOT

WhatsApp Recruitment AutoBot

Masses of recruiters are widely used in correspondence for running the recruitment process and tying up on WhatsApp is an integral part of that.
Whether it is screening questions or clarifying initial details about the candidate’s suitability or the continuation of the recruitment process, in its more advanced stages.

With Niloosoft, we always think about how to optimize and save a lot of time for the recruitment department!
Why not expedite this process with a bot that will do the job for you?

Meet Hunter BOT!
The first and most advanced WhatsApp bot to make your recruitment process easier and simpler!

Instead of having to formulate questions every time you approach a candidate, wait for candidates’ answers, and perform the job adjustment procedures, Hunter BOT does it for you automatically and intelligently.

Hunter BOT helps you communicate quickly with the candidate and knows how to do the following:

  • Automatically respond to any application of a job candidate.
    Ask initial screening questions based on the type of job the candidate applied for and make a decision on whether to continue the process.
  • Complete necessary personal information.
  • Arrange an interview/exam session.
  • Update the candidate on his progress on the recruitment process.
  • To survey the recruitment process.

Hunter BOT works in full sync with the HunterAI recruitment system and recordes all of its decisions and information collected under the candidate in the appropriate recruitment process.
It is important to emphasize that Hunter BOT is tailored for you, you decide the questions, you decide the additional information, you decide on criteria for continuing the process/disqualifying the candidate!

In short, you have everything under your control!

So how does it work?

The candidate is applying for the job you have advertised, Hunter BOT automatically identifies the candidate’s information or as part of the process of locating candidates made in HunterAI and immediately begins a conversation with the candidate.

Here come the filtering questions you set up and requests for more details with which Hunter BOT will make a decision according to the criteria you have defined,
Whether to continue the process with the candidate or end it. All this is done without the need for human intervention and flash speed!

From this point, the process will usually continue through the human resources department and recruiting managers, when from time to time Hunter BOT will be able to assist in summoning meetings, updating the candidate, conducting surveys.

Through the quick and convenient correspondence in Hunter BOT, we create a pleasant and technological candidate experience for the candidate, from the moment his resume is absorbed into the HunterAI recruitment system.
In general, through this technology, we enable continuous contact with candidates throughout the recruitment process.

The process becomes faster, the candidates feel more committed to the process and you shorten the recruitment times!

Let THE BOT work for you!


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